Tuesday, May 3, 2011

it's time to shut it down baby~

hmm.. sudah lama aku tak ber-blogger. and for this moment, aku nak close aku punya blog nie. sudah bosan lerrr... and maybe akan ada blog yang baru. new and fresh. so please wait and see..

so longg and bye bye~


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

study . study . study

study . study . study

need to study. so long, and good bye ~

h a h a

that's my new title of my new post. ho yeayh !

since my last post, which was 4 months ago. hah? seriously? H A H A. it's been a loooonnnggg time. oh my~ i'm soooo damnn lazy to post and now, i'm back with the new one. the reason is, well, like my description at the top of my header : I'M WRITING BECAUSE I'M BORED. h a h a. 

n i also make changes for my blog. as you can see, my blog is TOOTALLLYYY different than before. HO YEAYH ! i change new TEMPLATE ! again ! hehe. i toootalllyyy HATE my last template. maybe that's why i didn't post any news here. n also to log in to blogger. hmmm... i guessss~

my final is around the corner. and today is tuesday and since now, i don't touch a book at all. ANY BOOK ! first paper is on 26th and that would be CSC238 which is OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (OOP). oh, did i tell you that i studied in computer science diploma? ya, i'm sure i did. H A H A. (again?) i do stupid joke. (laaammmeeee~) okay, let's continue. ya, i study in that course. for the beginning, i'm soooo H A T E that course. i can give you 1 out of 10 since i don't even want to study for that course. seriously. i L O V E food science and even dreamt to be a FOOD TECHNOLOGIST.

but now, my dream's change. change to be .... hmm.. i don't know. i don't even think about it. i don't even know what my future is going to be. i hope it's damnn good as i imagine. I HOPE. i pray for the best. 

p/s: now, i'm listening to my "honeybee's" new song : I'LL BE BACK. uhhhh~~ i'm looooviiinnngggg it, FOR SURE ! and i want that "STILL 2:00PM" ALBUM giveaway sooo badly !!      

Monday, June 28, 2010

that's what a friend do

If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.

that's what a friend do (:
love my friends till the end <3

tak tahu nak tulis apa la.. -.-"


sekarang ini aku sedang dengar lagu LOVE YA dari one of my favourite K-Pop boyband, SS501. betapa aku suka lagu nie ! terasa nak jerit je. aaaaaahhhh !! oh mo~ terlebih sudah. hahaha.

okay okayy. back to the story.

hmm.. nak tulis apa ya tadi? okay. dah ingat dah. hahaha. boleh lupa pulak. dah lama gila tak on BLOGGER aku nie. malas gila nak update. tapi hati nak cuma malas nak ON dan WRITE NEW POST. haish~ -.-"
dan sekarang TAK TAHU NAK TULIS APA LA. aigoo~

oh ! nak beritahu. sudah UPLOAD new template ! oh yeah ! dengan adanya TEMPLATE yang baru nie, aku harap semakin banyak lah POST aku nanti. harap aku semakin RAJIN untuk on blogger aku. FOLLOWERS pun makin banyak. baru seronok! hehe. and aku harap BLOG aku nie akan menjadi blog yang ramai orang VIEW. hopefully. (:

okay lah. CARIBBEAN BAY dah tunggu. so, toodles ! :D

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I love you and that's all I really know ♥

I really wish I was next to him right now, so that I can give him a big hug ♥ (;

aaaaaahhhhh~~ kenapa mood aku malam nie swing jadi jiwang nie?! oh mo~ adakah aku sakit? bak kata kawanku kat facebook aku tadi. hahaha. gila la dia tu. d:

hmm.. maybe sebab aku terasa lonely kot. and terasa macam nak ada b**f****d? oh no ! haish~ hanya mainan fikiran aku sahaja. aku tiada masa untuk itu. umurku masih muda and aku rasa aku tidak bersedia untuk itu. tapi entahlah. sometimes aku berfikir, siapalah gerangan "si dia" yang akan menambat hati aku and seterusnya melamar aku menjadi "teman istimewa" dia. waaaahh~ aku semakin berfikiran jauh nie. ah, sudah sudah ! biarkan moment itu berlaku sendirinya. hehe~

okay lah. waktu sudah semakin malam ya. so, i need to take a rest. need to sleep actually. walaupun mata tidak mengantuk lagi. tak apa lah. aku akan mengisi masa sebelum tidur aku nie dengan belajar. subjek multimedia. (hmm.. best juga subjek nie.)

hmm.. okay lah. have a nice sleep people ! good night and sleep well~ (:

heyy, i'm back with a new post !

olla ! i'm back ! haha.

sudah sekian lama aku tak post apa-apa kat blog aku nie. haish~ malas sebenarnya. online je tapi malas nak update apa-apa. takpe. kali nie aku akan cuba mengUPDATEkan blog aku sekerap yang mungkin supaya FOLLOWERS aku bertambah ramai and and READERS aku semakin nak view blog aku. hehe~ i hope so. d: